What We Do

Our Work

CMRI implements a comprehensive and strategic approach to address discrimination and human rights violations against minority groups in India. At the national and international level, CMRI collaborates with minority activists and organizations to strengthen the rights of all minorities of faith and belief. By working with CMRI supporters in India, the United States, and worldwide, we can accomplish our mission and uphold India as a pillar of freedom and religious tolerance.

Identifying and challenging human rights violations is one of CMRI’s main focuses. CMRI publicizes and disseminates up-to-date information on human right abuses, denial of individual rights, and discrimination toward religious minorities in India. We continually report instances of oppression to local and national authorities to prompt government action against injustices.

Another important aspect of our work at CMRI is building interfaith understanding. We conduct programs to promote inclusivity, educate the public on anti-discrimation practices, and rally support for minority faith groups. Through our engagement and programming, CMRI encourages governments, organizations and individuals to actively prevent and oppose intolerance and oppression. We also rehabilitate victims of human rights violations by broadening their sphere of influence to advocate for their constitutional rights.

We believe that increasing awareness of human rights violations against minority groups and promoting acceptance through educational programming drives CMRI’s mission forward. CMRI is a steadfast advocate of minority groups in India and we believe our core initiatives will help secure India’s treasured values of equality and freedom.

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Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the human rights of religious minorities in India are
valued and that these communities are protected from oppression and discrimination.